2 Things to Do When Hiring a CPA

2 Things to Do When Hiring a CPA


As tax season is in full swing, the demand for tax prep specialists and CPAs is high. Before you hire just anyone, here are some tips for making sure you are working a trustworthy professional that understands the business and is not just another scammer.

Make a List of Possibilities

Through online directories and lists compiled by the UCPAA, you should be able to create a list of possibilities. You could work off referrals, or you could go directly to the IRS website for leads.

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An accountant often has an area of specialty, which may be helpful in narrowing down what services you need.

Narrow Down the List

You can easily wade through the options by simply checking credentials, reading reviews, and making an appointment. A website should be able to tell you what training, licensing, or credentials a professional has, so any individual that doesn’t have this information readily available may be a concern. You can also search on social media or the internet for client reviews. Making an appointment with a prospective accountant allows you to get a feel for the individual and ask important questions about the preparation, the fees, and audit guarantees.

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These two tips can help you avoid making a mistake when looking to hire a CPA. Though you are responsible for the contents of the return, you want to know that your filing is legal, accurate, and timely.


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