3 Best Ways to Promote Your Hair Extensions Brand

3 Best Ways to Promote Your Hair Extensions Brand


Promoting your hair extension products allows you to engage your clients thus helping grow your brand.  You can even adopt new marketing methods to market your virgin hair bundles from brands like Harlem Hair Company to a wider audience.  To get you started you can start by using different social media platforms and your company website to reach more clients. As we’ll discuss below, there are more ways you can use to grow your audience and grow your hair business. Some of which include;

Celebrity Endorsement

Having a top celebrity endorse your hair business makes a huge win. Though the cost of getting such an endorsement may be high, the returns will be even higher in the long run. You have a chance to get your brand known by a new audience and potential customers. Have the celebrity showcase some of your hair bundles in their endorsement. Also, your products should be of good quality. And if you aren’t able to find a celebrity to endorse your brand; you can always work with a socialite. Their influential capacities may be different, but the returns are nearly the same. Additionally, if your brand is local, the best option would be to have a local celebrity endorse your products.. This way, you’ll market to people in your area.

Seasonal events

People like gifts, especially during special occasions. You can take advantage of this and come up with seasonal events. You could try naming one of your events as a ‘thanksgiving special.’ Since people like to meet up during such periods, you have an opportunity to market your business for the season. During the Christmas season, the mood is usually red, and everyone wants to look their best. You could market your hair extension during this season as well, especially those extensions that will blend in with the occasion. Also, take advantage of Holidays such as Halloween and valentine, this time, give discounts on certain extensions, more so the colored ones. However, don’t let these promotions and events be the basis for your marketing and customer contact.

Social Media

The easiest and cost-efficient means to market your business is through social media. This is because there are different platforms, such as Facebook, where you can simply create a page for your brand at little to no cost and reach out to a wider audience. This is beneficial for both local and international brands. With social media, you can interact with your customers and address any query or issue they may have. You can also  invest in ads to ensure that your target audience is up to date with your new products. In your social media accounts, you can create unique and engaging content or even create YouTube tutorials to show people how to use your products and hair extensions. This gives you a chance to tell people about your brand and the story behind it.

As you market your products, be creative in how you go about it. You could have a celebrity or socialite endorsement your brand. And be sure to make the most of the different social media platforms available today to market your hair extensions.


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