How to Build an Investment Banking Career?

How to Build an Investment Banking Career?


Investment Bankers are known for helping out organizations as well as governments in matters like issuance of securities to enable them in raising capital. That’s not it. They work for both sides which means that they also enable investors in buying those securities. So, on a usual day, an investment banker is bust managing financial assets along with trading securities.

However, if you aspire to enter this field, what would your area of interest be? In case, you feel that you are cut out for this profession, do you have a clue about the genre you can master in the near future or your mind is still not set on a particular vertical you want to enter. You will not get anything out of flustering yourself, but you can surely get a lot out of reading this article since it covers most of the aspects investment bankers deal with.

First thing first, do you know which are the largest investment backs out there? That’s the first thing you should know since you will be competing with a lot of professionals of your league to get a coveted position on one of the top organizations.

The biggest banks in the global IB market are – Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and JP Morgan. Some are stretched out across the whole world while there are a few that operate in some specific regions within the middle market. They are inclined towards functions, such as sales, trading, M&A advisory and so on.

Which is the right path to a bankable Investment Banking Career?

If you ask about the qualities an investment banker needs to have, frankly, I wouldn’t be able to cover all that in this article because the list is never-ending. But, I can surely help you get the gist of it.

So, the best combination that employer’s look for in a certified Investment Banker is of analytical along with interpersonal skills. I am going to be straightforward with you here when I say that these are the most basic and common traits since every realm has its specific requirements. For instance, if you wish to become a broker, you obviously need to have super awesome skills with regards to making sales.

There is a huge myth in the minds of the people that only professionals from the finance background are eligible for building a career in investment banking, but to tell the truth, there is just a small stratum of people in the IB industry who belong to the finance domain. Believe it or not, a lot of professionals with degrees in science and law have created a successful investment banking career for themselves.

The sector needs derivative algorithms which are created by scientists. And, the work connected with contriving new securities, comprehending business laws is naturally undertaken by lawyers. But, in any industry, the best route to success goes through dedication and hard work and this is a fact you cannot run away from. As an investment banking professional, you must have the ability to work under tough situations and high pressure.


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