How to Clean Different Types of Window Blinds?

How to Clean Different Types of Window Blinds?


With so many different materials and textures, blinds make a beautiful addition to the home decor. You can achieve a customized look for every window and door blinds. But, it should be dusted often and cleaned bi-annually with the help of professionals to experience its benefits for long. All you have to do is, contact the right blind cleaning company and hire professionals for blind cleaning in Sydney. With some simple tools and a few minutes, they will improve your view by cleaning the blinds.

Learn how to clean window blinds of all types, from vertical to Venetian, with the help of experts.

Vertical Blinds Cleaning 

For a quick pick-me-up between cleanings, consider using a lint roller to pick up dust. But make sure not to abrasives, since it causes colour fading or scratches on your blinds. Usually, the vertical blinds’ veins are delicate, and so it will be easily damaged. And so, it is essential to handle them gently while cleaning. This is the reason why people usually seek the help of professionals. They will clean your blind with a soft, damp cloth, and a cleaning solution that is recommended for vertical blind cleaning in Sydney.

Venetian Blinds Cleaning 

Venetian Blinds come with different materials. Each material has its own technique to clean it and maintain it in good shape.

Wooden Venetian Blinds Cleaning 

When cleaning wooden Venetian blind cleaning in Sydney avoid over saturating the cleaning cloth. This is because, it causes the wood to warp. Instead of spraying the window cleaner directly on your windows, consider spraying it on a cloth while cleaning your window. The reason behind this is, the cleaning solution that you spray on the window blinds may splatter on to the wooden blinds. So to avoid this happen, make sure not to spray the window cleaning solution on the window is a knowledgeable choice.

Aluminium Venetian blinds Cleaning

To clean your Venetian blinds deeply, consider vacuuming gently with the soft brush attached. To avoid damages or scratches on your window blinds, avoid using the ammonia-based products, and scrubbing cleansers. Instead, you can use a mixture of warm water, and mild solution of cleaning liquid to dampen a soft cloth for cleaning the aluminium Venetian blinds.

Fabric Blinds Cleaning

Cellular blinds, rainbow blinds, roman blinds, and roller blinds are some of the fabric blinds. This type of blind cleaning in Sydney can be easily done and make it look likes a new one with the help of professionals. To wash delicate fabrics blinds, use a detergent that’s formulated. But you should use only the cold water to clean it and blot gently to avoid damaging the fabric.

The Bottom Line

To keep your blinds in a well-maintained condition and good shape, consider hiring professionals for vinyl windows. Remember, they not only help you maintain your blinds, but save your hard-earned dollars.


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