11 Truck Driving Tips Every Company Must Remind Their Drivers Of

11 Truck Driving Tips Every Company Must Remind Their Drivers Of


Road accidents do not exempt even the most experienced of drivers. Trucks drivers, particularly, should always be careful and alert because what they’re helming are longer, taller, and heavier than other vehicles; hence, more dangerous.

Apart from getting safety measures for your vehicles like commercial truck insurance Maryland, you should also give constant reminders about truck-driving dos and don’ts. After all, it’s your responsibility as a business owner to make sure your drivers are equipped with the proper knowledge.

In this article, we are rounding up 11 important truck driving tips you should include on your reminder checklist:

Inspect your vehicle’s condition. Like how drivers should be in good condition (i.e. They’ve enough sleep, they’ve eaten, they’re wearing comfortable clothes), so should their vehicles be. Remind them to check the tires, brakes, and gears, and make sure their vehicle is equipped with the necessary truck maintenance tools.

Check road conditions and weather reports. Planning for a trip is necessary if you want your truck and its deliverables arrive at the destination safely. Drivers should always watch out for weather updates and local news reports about traffic and road conditions.

Drive when traffic is low. To be safe, truck drivers are advised to take their trip when traffic is low (early in the morning or late at night). But whatever the time is, drivers should always slow down and be cautious.

Do not drive when under the influence of drugs or alcohol. While measures like commercial truck insurance Maryland are of help when it comes to coping up with financial losses, the lives that will be taken from truck crashes cannot be redeemed. This is why it’s a must to remind your drivers to never attempt to drive under any influence.

Always wear a seat belt. Seat belts are designed to minimize any injury to the driver and the passenger. This is one of the first things drivers must do before hitting the road.

Know and follow local laws and speed limits. Every state and/or city imposes different traffic regulations. Be mindful about these facts — especially about speed limits — to avoid getting punished by law and paying for penalties.

Avoid using a mobile phone when driving. Another big no-no for drivers is the “use” of cell phones when driving. Whenever an urgent call is needed or should be answered, they must use voice-assisted features instead of manually doing them.

Allot a “buffer zone.” Truck drivers should not get too close to other vehicles on the road. Creating a “buffer zone” will give them ample space should they need to step on the brake and avoid colliding with what is in front of them.

Avoid changing lanes as much as possible. Trucks are long and heavy as mentioned, keeping this activity to a minimum will help provide safety for your vehicle and nearby ones.

Use a GPS designed for trucks. There global positioning systems nowadays that specifically cater to truck routes. Take advantage of technology and teach your drivers how to use such feature.

Expect the unexpected. Getting a commercial truck insurance Maryland is one thing, having a league of disciplined and professional drivers is another. Always remind your team to expect the unexpected, to be alert, and to be respectful of other travelers.

Are you looking for the best deals in commercial truck insurance Maryland? Contact us today at Insurance Brokers Of Maryland for more info!


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