Four Proven Trade Show Hacks

Four Proven Trade Show Hacks


In a world of digital and virtual everything, there’s a reason why the trade show still ranks high for B2B. Nothing beats face to face connection, and many a successful business deal has been struck at a trade fair.

Like anything worth doing though, they’re worth doing right…and easy to get wrong.

Don’t learn the hard way though. Use these four pro-tips to ensure that this investment is worth it.

  1. Keep the Sales Push in Check

Yep, we get it. You paid a lot of money for the stand and want to have something to show for it right? But here’s the thing, an over-eager salesperson is an over-eager salesperson regardless of where they are.

Not just that. The fact is, we live in an increasingly more content-driven environment. Regardless of how great your stand, product, and staff are, some people are just looking for more info.

Don’t dismay though. See the opportunity as much to gather data, gain social media followers and give flawless product info or demos. If the sale comes, then great.

  1. People on Point

This builds on the first tip. We’ve all been to expos where a well-meaning staff member has bungled their way through a demo. Or a request for further info has resulted in a blank stare. Not a great look, and even less likely to inspire confidence.

As a result, product or service knowledge needs to be top-tier. As you’re in unfamiliar territory, even the most confident staff may be more nervous than usual. This will only get made worse by a request for info that they don’t know off the top of their heads.

Make sure all demos are down pat. In particular, those topics usually need a little bit more explanation at home. Don’t be afraid to practice and rehearse this beforehand as it’s better to get it wrong when no one cares than in front of a potential big buyer.

  1. Ready-Made Visitors

Nothing attracts like a crowd. Likewise, you can ensure a tactical swerve by having an empty stand and awkward staff staring out.

A great tip to prevent this is to let current and past customers know that you’ll be at a show in their area well in advance.

You might have to make it worth their while of course, but having loyal customers turn up can do wonders for your profile – in addition to striking new deals with old clients for the bargain.

  1. Think Personalized Stand, Not Free Pens

So, you’ve picked your best staff, got visitors already booked in and your demos nailed down. What’s left? No, it isn’t to buy thousands of pens and water bottles. Well, not yet anyway.

If you’re serious about lasting brand impression, then save your money for wow-worthy trade show displays. Pick a company such as Expomarketing, that has a deep, award-winning insight into what makes a stand a client magnet. And that people talk about afterwards for the right reasons. Factors you can take for granted such as layout, lighting, and graphics are all taken care of by experts.

This leaves your team free to focus on what matters – making a great impression and building those all-important connections and sales.


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