How to Select the Right Car Seat

How to Select the Right Car Seat


Parents may find that one of the most stressful tasks isn’t giving birth, picking schools or balancing schedules but…picking a car seat! New models are continuously making their way onto the market and parents scrutinize over every detail that will best suit their child. Taking notes on the child’s weight, length, and age will help parents easily cross off seats that won’t fit their child. It will also let parents see how much room it gives their growing children. If parents plan on using the seat for a long term basis, it is good to know how long the product has until the child outgrows max height and weight restrictions.

There are a couple different types of car seats: rear-facing/infant-only, convertible, and booster.Rear-facing, infant-only seat. Typically these are for newborns ranging in weight from 5-22 and under a year of age. There is a part of this car seat attached to a handle that snaps out that enables the seat and the baby to be carried in and out of the car. When looking at these seats ask yourself, how much does this product weigh? Is it heavy? Bulky? Does the seat snap back in place easily? Are you looking for a car seat that can be removed and then snapped into a stroller for easy travel? Is the harness easy to adjust?

Convertible seat. These seats can be rear facing or forward facing. These seats are the next stage for your baby after they’ve grown out of their infant car seat. The allowed weight ranges anywhere from 20-65 pounds. Remember, this is a product you’ll be putting your child into everyday so there are lots of things to consider. Height and weight limits are often problematic because children usually tend to outgrow one limit before the other limit is reached. Find more information on c3 corvette car cover.

Booster seats.Will hold a child from 30-100 pounds, depending on the model. These are for older children and high-back boosters are used for cars without a head rest or high seat back. If the seat belt in the car still doesn’t fit your child properly, this is a good product to have.

Evaluate your vehicle(s) to ensure that the bottom seat is flat enough to hold the car seat safely and that the seat belt is long enough to secure the car seat. There are usually two options of installation, long belt/short belt so make sure your car seat is equipped to do both if necessary. If you have a smaller vehicle make sure that the child will have plenty of head and leg room when the seat is installed in the forward-facing position, will he/she be able to kick your seat? Is there enough room for the car seat to be reclined? Minute details can be found in product manuals, you can access these product manuals for free on most manufacturer web sites. This will provide car seat measurements as well weight and height limits. It will also have installation directions, if it looks too complicated don’t buy it.

What is a 5-point harness? A 5-pt harness has a strap over each shoulder, one over each thigh, and one between your baby’s legs. This really keeps your baby secure in a crash and helps distribute force evenly. Is your baby comfortable in it?

If the car seat has to be moved to different vehicles often, make sure the re-threading and installation is an easy process to ensure it is done correctly each time. It’s also important that the harness to hold your child is easily accessible.

Are extra features included or will you have to buy them? i.e. extra padding to ensure babies fit more securely. LATCH is a ‘click and go’ type system that makes installation a breeze. Check with your vehicle as weight requirements for the LATCH system are different than the belt installation. Durability is very important, especially if you plan on using the product for multiple children. Look if the product has any extended warranties, if the covers are removable and machine washable and if the seat is easy to clean.

If you plan on using the same car seat in multiple cars is it easy to move and re-install? Is it heavy and bulky? Will it fit in both vehicles? The car seat industry is very competitive so take a look at any extra safety precautions that one manufacturer may have improved upon. Remember, you can check to see if your car seat is properly installed at your local police or fire department.

The standard car stereo system is installed in the dash; therefore, this article will provide the steps necessary to complete this task. For this task you will need a new car stereo or CD player (which is also called a head unit), wire strippers, electrical tape, a screwdriver set, and wire cutters. By following these simple steps, you will be enjoying your new stereo in no time! 1) Buy a new stereo system. Wiring harnesses make the whole wiring job a snap, literally. 2) Make sure the engine is turned off. Disconnect the negative (black) battery cable.

 Never work on any part of your car’s electrical system with the battery connected, as the electrical shock could be fatal. Unscrew and remove your old stereo (head) unit. On the back of the unit there will either be a batch of individual wires or one single plug connecting a lot of wires. You will need to do them one at a time in a few moments in order to avoid confusion. 4) Wiring can be connected manually or with the wiring harness. If you find only one wire coming from each speaker this means that they have been grounded at the chassis. 9) You should now have a single connecter which is can be hooked to the proper wires in your vehicle, either through the new connection made in steps 6-8 or from your wiring harness. 12) Slide the stereo into dash slot. Test it before screwing it in. Reconnect your battery cable. Start your engine to power up the stereo.


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