What Do You Need To Know About PDF format?

What Do You Need To Know About PDF format?


PDF or portable document format is a file type developed by Adobe in 2008 for college students. The objective was to provide a universal format to allow ease of accessibility. The format became an instant hit, and soon, it was seen as a default type in the offices. PDF is the best way to send and receive files and secure the content within. Today there are several converters available online that can convert any document into PDF format. Most organizations today ask for the documents in PDF format to maintain originality and ease of viewing. Here is an article to tell you everything you need to know about the PDF file format.

Why use the PDF format?

One primary reason to keep your documents in PDF format is to allow universal viewing. If you use some exclusive file format that is limited to one operating system, people will need to have system compatibility and necessary applications to view your file. Also, formats like .docx work with MS Word and are easily editable, which means if you share your file with several people, it might get changed in transit, and the originality will be affected.

PDF files are strictly for viewing purposes, and the contents are well-preserved. This allows for limited viewing, and the receiver will see the document as intended. The editing can only be done through PDF editor apps which are reliable and easy to use.

Accessing a PDF file

Viewing a PDF file is extremely simple and convenient, and you can do it without the help of any external apps. All you have to do is click on the file link, and your browser will automatically open a window, and the contents will pop up. With other file formats, you will have to install the required apps first, which can be tedious.

If your browser cannot access the content directly, it will prompt you to download the file first. You can then open the downloaded file on your system quickly. Just click on the download sign on the link itself and save the file in the desired location.

If the file is already open in the browser, look for the “save file” option at the top right corner. The latest operating systems already come with a free PDF reader, but if you use an older version, install the free Adobe Reader to access the downloaded file.

Making changes in PDF file

The PDF format is strictly for viewing purposes, and it does not allow easy editing. However, sometimes we come across generic documents and require the filing of personal information and things like that. For this purpose, you can access the “form field” in the reader application and make desired changes.

If your browser doesn’t support this feature, use an online PDF to Word converter. You can then make the edits in the .docx format, and once you are done, you can convert the document back into PDF.

How to create a PDF document

Creating a PDF is fairly simple in modern operating systems. For example, in windows 10, when you type ctrl+P, the print window will pop, and in the top left corner, you will see a drop-down menu under the “Printer” head. Choose the “Print as PDF” option and save the file. You can convert webpages, links, texts, etc., into PDF easily.


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